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We offer classes and  lessons to develop your skills as a piper or drummer. We teach with the "Village" approach, in which tutelage can be received from any band member and we all help one another,  much as mentors. Sessions will be  one-on-one, or in small groups.


Lessons are 30 minutes in length. The first two lessons are free to determine if this is really of interest to you.  Additional lessons are $15 until reaching the "Advanced Chanter" level.  Lessons will typically occur before our regular sessions on Monday evenings and will end promptly at 6:30 pm.


Private lessons at a different time and location during the week can be scheduled.  A 30 minute lesson is $25.00  and a location convenient to both parties must be agreed on.

Drummers will progress at the leadership of the Drum Sgt,  If you are a drummer/drumming student you will be connected quickly to the Drum Sgt.


Note:  Parents will be requested to remain at any location where their child is being taught.


Classes/ skill levels:


​​Introductory Chanter

For those with no previous experience. 


​​Advanced Chanter

For any who have a moderate amount of previous chanter experience.


Beginning Piping 

For any who have learned the beginning set of tunes on the practice chanter.  Pipes are required.


​​Intermediate and Advanced

These are more of a label of progress than actual classes. Intermediate level players will join in the general practice session and play what they can and learn other tunes.. These sessions will begin with approximately 30 minutes of practice chanter work and finish with full band on pipes and drums. 


​​Intermediate Piping/Drumming

Any who have learned to play the beginning set of tunes on pipes and are working on the "core" band sets.


Advanced Piping/Drumming

Any who have learned the core sets, are at performance level, and ready to learn the additional band music.



​​​Practice sessions are held at: 

Resurrection Episcopal Church

2200 Justin Ln, Austin, TX 78757

To join us, stop by on Monday evenings or send an email to


You can see a map and get more info  on our Practice page.



© 2017-2025 Capitol City Highlanders

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